Friday, 29 January 2010

In flames

if there is one thing at all in this world that puts me off, its someone stating that i patronize my mother tongue, my caste, creed, community or religion. if most of the bloody population around me is made of such stuff doesnt mean i have to adhere to this too!

i would rather be rendered deaf n dumb, than hold any particular language on my head high. i would rather burn my tongue red, than sing praises of my caste or community. i would rather pull my eye balls out, than bathe in the spectrum of ONLY mother tongue movies!

i care too hoots for people who live life this way & those consider me to be a part of this vicious tribe!!


Preeti said...

dear hope you realise god's given you two middle fingers :):) chuck it all

GoodEarth said...

2 middle?? :-| i thought it was just one that was in the midst of 4 others :blink: :blink:

Annapoorani Sivaramakrishnan said...

Some people are always like that way...glad to see your post afte a hiatus..keep them coming Sow :)

GoodEarth said...

Thanks Anna!
glad to see that u r following my holy crap in this space :)

Aishwarya said...

My my! if posts could kill, i'm sure that person would be in flames now! :P

GoodEarth said...

hee hee! wish i could just direct my gaze at someone & set him/her to flames... dont worry u'll be my first trial piece :P

GoodEarth said...

谢谢您 评 裕瑤!

dishitd said...

ok. this might seem strange to you. But there is something for you. Check out the below link.

Anonymous said...

Hehe...mother tongue my case Konkani cant even imagine! ;)

Chill down patient!! :)

An award awaiting for you, at my space!! :)

Anonymous said...

And err...your reply to preeti...well she was thinking you were normal with 2 hands! :P But how does she know u r my patient! ;)

Anonymous said...

There is something for you on my blog ma'am.. Please do the honors!

neeraj said...

My my, I dont ever remember reading such aggressive posts from you on channelone :)

Long time, Sow, howz u doing?


GoodEarth said...

geee.. im a rebellllll.. rebellll...ebellll...bellll...ellll....llll... :D

feels so good to see thy comment after ages boy!! :) im good, how art the stud? ;-)

neeraj said...

Aha, thanks for the warm welcome .. college finished bringing with lots of sadness and the real world ;) This time I intend to stick to the blogging circuit ;)

GoodEarth said...

Oooh! i had a feeling.. you would stay at college forever ;-)
wht r u doing in the big bad world outside? err... r u with H.Bhogle now? :D